Hello, I'm Daniel Sliwowski

I am a PhD at TuWien advised by Prof Dongheui Lee , where I work on understanding human and robot task execution, for better autonomous robot performance and human-robot collaboration.


  • Sep 2023: HOI4ABOT has been accepted to CoRL 2023.
  • Sep 2022: I started my Ph.D. studies under Dongheui Lee at the Autonomous Systems Lab in TU Wien!


ConditionNET: Learning Preconditions and Effects for Anomaly Detection and Recovery

ConditionNET: Learning Preconditions and Effects for Anomaly Detection and Recovery

Under submission

Learn Preconditions and Effects of actions in a data-driven manner, and leverage the learned conditions for anomaly detection

HOI4ABOT: Human-Object Interaction Anticipation for Assistive roBOTs

HOI4ABOT: Human-Object Interaction Anticipation for Assistive roBOTs

Esteve Valls Mascaro, Daniel Sliwowski, Dongheui Lee
CoRL 2023

Detect and anticipate human-object interactions for intention reading, which facilitate robots to assist humans.